Untested software in IoT devices, cloud solutions galore, a plethora of bring-your-own devices lurking in the network, and poor or non-existent security policies have created a new edge, and it's sharp on both sides.
Today, organizations are expected to provide faster, more efficient services than ever before; and maintaining a stable, efficient, and secure network is vital for optimum productivity in reaching those goals.
Scientel Solutions (Scientel) headquartered in Aurora, IL, USA announces partnership with UK based camera solutions company SeSys. Scientel has recently been designated as the USA and Canada Distributor for SeSys products.
Aurora, IL. – August 29th, 2022 -As the summer comes to an end, Scientel says their goodbyes to this year’s ...
The Illinois PGA teamed up with Scientel Solutions, White Eagle Golf Club (WEGC), and Naperville Community Television (NCTV) to provide High-Speed Broadband Internet.
Nokia Digital Automation Cloud (NDAC) is an industrial grade, low latency, high bandwidth, reliable private LTE (pLTE) network.